The 2024 Marshall & Martinsville Summer Ball Leagues tabloid features photos of the Marshall and Martinsville Little League and Softball League teams and is made possible with the support of area businesses.
Ads are available in two sizes: Small (2.5 columns wide by 3 inches tall) for $45, or Large (5 columns wide by 3 inches tall) for $75. To place an ad, contact sales@strohmnews.com or call 217-826-3600.
Click Here to see the 2023 Summer Ball tab.
The 2024-25 Clark County Business Guide will be published in July and inserted into the Marshall Advocate and Casey Westfield Reporter.
Our goal is to include every business in Clark County into this useful directory, which will be published in a booklet format to make it easier to use all year long.
Don’t miss this chance to stand out and attract new customers with a display ad that showcases what makes your business special! Our affordable ad options provide a range of choices to fit your budget, starting at just $35. Add color to any ad for only $25 to make it even more vibrant and appealing.

The 2024 Clark County 4-H Fair Results guide features the scores for all 4-H projects entered in the 4-H Fair and photos taken throughout the week of the 4-H Fair.
This special feature will be inserted into the Marshall Advocate and Casey Westfield Reporter and is made possible with the support of local area businesses.
Ads are available in two sizes: Small (2.5 columns wide by 3 inches tall) for $45, or Large (3 columns wide by 3 inches tall) for $70. To place an ad, contact sales@strohmnews.com or call 217-826-3600.